Dr. Artur Knoth

Defense & Security

Technological Trends and Analysis

Brazilian Philately

The Pan Am Zeppelin Flight of 1930




Brazilian Zeppelin Philately





Defense &Security

Brazilian Zeppelin




Commentary – Politics, Defense & Security

Here, various aspects of covering a whole range of topics. This ranges from comments about everyday aspects to modern weapons (examined under the aspect of realizability to whether they even make operational sense), and politics, which, depending upon just who happens to be leading the lone Superpower (Darth Vader or someone walking on water), can mightily contribute to the insecurity of the globe

Commentary - Brazilian Philately

This concerns mainly the 1930 Brazilian leg of the Zeppelin flight. Especially, as kick-off, my personal opinion of the Parahyba Provisional which is quite different than the conclusion of an article (to which I contribute quite a lot in terms of covers and knowledge) that has been widely disseminated. It's my personal opinion that that author's article is too emotionally charged but presents few real hard facts that justify his conclusion, which is not mine. Newest research, contained in this site, demonstrate that this stamp was unnecessary and could be interpreted in a completely different light.

Also, I will use my bully-pulpit to castigate the philatelic establishment, especially in Germany but not only there – the USA and Brazil are along too, This establishment has, in my opinion, a great need to reform. And how I, as a maverick, feel victimized by it.